This App Can Show You What Your Favorite Celebs Will Look Like When They’re Old.

Most celebrities will do whatever it takes to stop the aging process in an attempt to stay forever young. Plastic surgery is more common than ear, nose and throat doctors when it comes to Hollywood.

Now, thanks to an app called Oldify, we can turn the clock forward on famous faces whether they like it or not. Check out what some of your favorite stars will look like when they’re 80. It’s good thing they can afford the good moisturizer.

Ashton Kutcher

Leonardo DiCaprio

Nicolas Cage

Angelina Jolie

Justin Beiber

Keanu Reeves

(Imgur via IBN Live.)

For real though, what is in the water Keanu is drinking and where can I get some?? This makes me feel WAY better about aging. At least it’ll happen to everyone.

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