This Girl Did Something Awesome for her Younger Sister Diagnosed with Cancer.

One thing that almost always breaks my heart is seeing people supporting those who are suffering from a serious illness or disease. A 7-year-old named Hannah Gorsegnor decided to do something incredible, and it touched me deeply. She decided to shave her head to show support for children suffering from cancer (specifically, her younger sister, Natalie). 

Here’s Hannah with her father just before the scissors were brought out.

Hannah looking a little nervous just before she loses her locks.

The scissors do their work on Hannah’s hair as her father and her younger sister Natalie, who appears a little upset, looks on.

All smiles as the buzzer is brought out.

Mission accomplished.

Hannah did a great thing for her sister, and its something we can all use as an example for how we should support those who are ailing.


Hannah and others did this for Shave 4 a Cure. Natalie, Hannah’s younger sister, is in remission. 

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