How To Have Fun With Your Pet If You’re An Artist. Best Dog Owner Ever.

If you’re not following Rafael Mantesso on Instagram, you’re missing out on some amazing art, most of which features an adorable bull terrier named Jimmy Choo. Jimmy, named by Rafael’s fashion-conscious ex-wife, isn’t your typical cute pup on Instagram though. He’s so much more than a pretty face that you would do anything to pet. He’s a complicated canine who, on any given day, could be a superhero, a bank robber, an angel, or a ruthless king. Take a look!

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Jimmy Choo!

Stay dry, Jimmy.

What a healthy-looking pup.

We all make mistakes.

It’s just part of the punk rock pup lifestyle.

The Birth of Jimmy.

Game of Bones.

Oh, that Jimmy!

We’re going to need a smaller boat.

What else would you expect from such a busy dog?

Lady and the Instagram Famous Dog.

I’ll take a million.

The Creation of Jimmy.

Rafael Mantesso and his dog Jimmy Choo.

Jimmy Choo and his owner Rafael Mantesso.

(via Instagram, H/T A+)

Bow wow! That is one interesting dog. With close to 25,000 followers on Instagram, they must get recognized by other dogs and owners when they go out for walks. Next thing you know, the paparazzi will soon be sneaking shots of Jimmy.

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