Someone Should Have Double-Checked These Signs… Epic Fails.

Whenever your work is in the public eye, it’s important to double-check everything. Spelling and grammatical errors can mess up whatever message you have. Here’s a million dollar idea that will prevent any embarrassment in the future: signage spell-check! 

If you don’t think that particular invention is a worthy investment of time and resources, these epic sign fails will prove you wrong:

1.) Mickey D’s will do that to you…

2.) Truer words were never spoken.

3.) This brings a whole new meaning to “special sauce”.

4.) Would they just manage one, or many?

5.) Somehow we actually doubt this was a mistake…

6.) Wait for it… you’ll get the joke eventually.

7.) Childhood fantasy, realized.

8.) Irony, meet your definition.

9.) LOLOL.

10.) Some kids wanted to be astronauts…. but not me.

11.) These guys seem preeeetty desperate.

12.) Only at Wendy’s University.

13.) Too hot to handle…

14.) Umm, who fits this definition?

15.) At least they laughed at themselves.

16.) Nobody can replace a legend.

17.) Oh Tom…

18.) Wait… what?!?

(via eBaum’s World)

Frankly, we’re excited about the potential of repeating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles prank above. Just attach the sign, sit back and laugh, and become a YouTube star, LOL.

Be sure to share these hilarious fails with your friends by clicking below.

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