Harry Potter Fans the World Over Will Want to Stay In This Awesome Hotel.

Attention all Harry Potter fans! The Georgian House, located near London’s Victoria Station, recently opened two Hogwarts-themed Wizarding Chambers. Anyone can rent them and they’re exactly how you always dreamed it would be staying at Hogwarts. Need I say more?

So, let’s all say “Alohomora” together and take a peek inside…

Just like the discreet homes in the books, a building’s exterior can be deceiving…

Because what’s inside is… amazing.

From the poster beds…

To a upper’s solo room…

You can really get the full experience.

“I had heard that the Harry Potter studio tour was the most popular attraction in London, and the fact the bus left from Victoria station meant we were in the perfect location for attracting tourists who had come to see the studio.” said Serena von der Heyde, partner at The Georgian House.

“The Georgian House Hotel places great emphasis on welcoming families and I really wanted to create something fun for young visitors. When guests arrive we light candles and play music as they enter the Wizard Chambers – it’s a great way to give families a unique stay.”

“I have been overwhelmed by the number of young couples coming to stay in them, perhaps drawn by the nostalgia of their youth with the Harry Potter series.”

(via Independent)

If you’d like to stay here, you’d better get in line. Because although the wizard chamber costs £249 for a night, or £363 with the studio tour, demand is off the charts. So what are you waiting for?! Hurry up and make your reservations!

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