You Won’t Be Able To Separate This Art From Reality – Whoa.

Patrick Kramer is an American, hyperrealistic painter from Utah. To put it simply, his work is amazing. Hyperrealistic painting is a style in which the artist attempts to mimic real life as closely as possible. It’s a painstaking process, but the results can be breathtaking. 

Kramer takes hyperrealism to a whole new level in his paintings. He says hyperrealistic painting became an outlet for his slightly obsessive personality. Truthfully, Kramer says he never actually intended to pursue an art career in the style. However he said it was hard for him to paint in any other way.

When he’s painting full-time, Kramer says, a single picture can take anywhere from 1 to 6 weeks to complete. Put another way that’s 50 – 300 hours. Talk about dedication to your craft. Just take a look at the results.

“Blossom I.”

“Three Glasses.”


“An Existential Confrontation.”

“Measuring Worth.”

“Single Rose.”

“No Diving.”


“Salt Lake Library III.”

“The Optimist and The Pessimist.”





“Still Light.”

“Perseverance / Futility.”


“Digital Enlightenment.”

“Letters II.”

(Patrick Kramer via: Bored Panda)

Wow. Just wow. I can’t believe these aren’t photographs. Patrick is incredibly talented. To view more of his work, please visit his online portfolio or click on his Contact page to send him a message.

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