It’s embarrassing being a human. We do stupid things all the time (at least I do). It’s common to get caught up in doing something we wish people didn’t see, things we wish we could hide from the public and things we wish would have never happened. Once you’re mortified, it sticks with you for life.
Unfortunately, these things do happen and they happen a LOT. You have no idea how many people are actually clumsy or just plain dumb. This list is here to remind you that, hey, what you’re doing is just embarrassing. SO STOP IT.
1.) Getting Caught Sniffing Your Arm Pit.
You had to check to see if it was you, and now everyone will think it was.
2.) Running Into A Spiderweb And Freaking Out.
These invisible menaces will make even the most poised person look like a lunatic once they begin swatting at their faces.
3.) Being Afraid Of A Shadow
Something catches the corner of your eye, what is it? A rat? A bug? I’M RUNNING! Oh wait…it was just a shadow.
4.) Pushing An Elevator Button That Has Already Been Pushed.
“Oh you already pushed it? Well, I’m going to push it again because I don’t trust you, even though it is lit.”
5.) Having Spaghetti Dangling From Your Mouth.
No matter how much you think you have it, you don’t and now you are forced to do that weird slurp-up thing.
6.) Freaking Out Around A Bee
No one else will see the bee most likely, and when you tell them a bee made you freak out, they will probably laugh at you. Deep down though, they know they’d do the same thing.
8.) Wearing A Shirt With A Stain On It
You pick out a shirt in the morning, walk down the street and think you’re looking good and then you look down and notice you have a giant BBQ sauce stain.
9.) Farting In Yoga
They tell you it’s natural and that everyone does it, but you know you’ll never believe them.
10.) Doing The Pee-Pee Dance
It is a weird tick, but we just have to do it. Does anyone even know if it helps relieve the pain of having to pee?
11.) Getting Caught Singing In The Shower
You think you’re alone and then you get out of the shower and your roommate tells you that you had a glorious rendition of “The Dark Side Of The Moon” from the Mulan soundtrack. *Gulp*
12.) Using A Machine At The Gym Wrong
Oh the muscle-heads get a kick out of seeing you do this one, right? You’d beat them up but first you need to get strong and to get strong you need to FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE THIS DAMN MACHINE!
13.) Eating Something That Is Too Hot
You think to yourself, “This chicken noodle soup can’t be THAT hot.” Then BAM! Your tongue is ablaze with chickeny wrath.
14.) Singing The Wrong Lyrics
That’s why karaoke has the words on the screen for you. You always thought the words to “Dirty Deeds” by AC/DC said something about a “Thunder Jeep.”
15.) Tripping Up The Stairs
If you fall down the stairs, people are concerned for your well-being. If you fall up the stairs, people think you are stupid.
16.) Walking Into A Glass Door
Nothing like the thud of thick glass doors on your face to make you feel inadequate in ways you never dreamed of.
17.) Doing The Fart Shuffle
You know what I’m talking about. When you have a little bit of fart left between your cheeks and you have to get it out, you begin to find creative ways to walk or stretch those legs so you can get that fart bubble to burst.
I this post can best be summed up by this image right here. Never forget these words you are about to see.