Watch The Moment These Two Sisters Finally See The World Around Them.

Sisters Sonia and Anita, 12 and 6-years-old respectively, were both born into a world of blindness. Like so many millions of rural Indians, their family couldn’t afford to take them to the doctor to see if anything could be done. Their ailments only required a small, 15-minute surgery to correct and give them sight, but their parents only made a mere 17 cents an hour.

That is, until kind strangers stepped in to foot the bill. According to non-profit organization 20/20/20, who’s aim is to bring this $300 surgery to as many people as it can, this “miracle” procedure could actually restore the eyesight of over half the blind children and adults in the developing world. The charity organization offers free optical care for children and adults suffering in many of the world’s poorest countries.

They were the heroes that came to Sonia and Anita’s aid. The procedure the girls received involves a surgeon removing the defective lens that causes blindness and replacing it with an artificial lens. Watch the sisters’ journey here… it is amazing:

(H/T: Huffington Post.)

Representatives from 20/20/20 report that the girls both girls are adapting well to their newfound vision and that Sonia is now attending school where she has made friends. You can check out their website for more information on their amazing work.

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