Two Golden Retrievers Kept Their Owner Alive For Two Days After She Fell.

They say dogs are a man’s best friend, but apparently, they are also our guardian angels.

A Florida woman suffered a near-fatal fall survived the ordeal thanks to her two golden retrievers, Higgins and Dodger. The 76-year-old broke her shoulder and bruised her head when she fell in her kitchen. The woman lives by herself and has Parkinson’s disease, so she could not get up on her own and drifted in and out of consciousness for two days.

As she lay there helplessly for two days, the dogs stayed with her, not having any access to water or food during that time. The two dogs kept her warm, and kept her as comfortable as they could. But according to the woman, the main thing they did for her was to let her know that she was not alone.

The woman was eventually found by a worried friend who had a spare key to the house.

(Source: ABC News)

Dogs really are awesome. I’ve heard countless stories of dogs keeping their owners going when they think they just can’t face another day. They are true life savers.

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