This Powerful Ad Will Make You Think Seriously About Becoming An Organ Donor.

The animated short film Long Live New York aims to ignite a movement in New York. It hopes to inspire New Yorkers to step up and help their fellow man by signing up as organ donors.

The 90 second animated short film created by Oscar-winning director Laurent Witz (Mr. Hublot, 2014). It is the centerpiece of a campaign designed to increase organ donor registration in the greater NY metropolitan area. The short depicts a melancholy, post-apocalyptic New York City crumbling to pieces. New Yorkers begin carrying pieces of the broken city (street signs, manhole covers, Grand Central clock) to form a beating heart, thus restoring life into the city.

(Source: SaveLivesNY)

New York as a state ranks 3rd in the country in people waiting for organ donations. It also ranks 49th in registered organ donors. Hopefully this ad will push people to register themselves as donors. For more information on becoming an organ donor in New York, visit the official website of the New York Organ Donor Network.

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