This Guy Just Found The Best (And Creepiest) Way To Get Dates In New York City.

Frustrated with dating sites and apps? Most people are. That’s why Dan Perino got creative with his efforts to date women in New York City. After finally giving up on the online dating revolution, Perino took to the streets. I’m not talking about catcalling or approaching women on the street, I’m talking about this:

The flyers.

Dan Perino put up thousands of flyers around New York City in hopes of finding a girlfriend. This is a rather unconventional tactic, but so far, it seems to be largely successful.

The dates.

Perino claims to have gone on nearly a hundred dates because of the flyers. While he hasn’t found the girl of his dreams yet, he certainly had some interesting and entertaining meet-ups from the experiment.

The experiences.

Perino dated a variety of women, but says that he is looking for a woman in her 20’s to 30’s. He said that he went on numerous great dates and slept with quite a few of the women (way to brag, dude), but one experience in his adventures sticks out. Apparently, a woman called him over to her hotel room. When he arrived, she was wearing very sexy lingerie, and Perino said that it didn’t feel right because he felt that she was drunk. So he tucked her in, kissed her goodnight and left, thus proving that his intentions are to get a girlfriend instead of a ton of random flings.

The future.

While he hasn’t found the lady of his dreams yet, he remains hopeful that he will one day. He can thank the flyers for at least a very interesting experience. This is quite a different take on how to get a date in New York City. Maybe we all should put up flyers looking for our significant other. It seems like Mr. Perino had his pick of the litter. Maybe one of those women who went on a date with him is right for one of us.

I only wish Mr. Perino the best of luck in his search for a significant other. Thanks for showing us that there are ways around the online dating nightmare that took the world by storm.

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