This Daredevil Dog Is Not Afraid Of Jumping Out Of Planes…Or Anything Else.

No, Riley the dog doesn’t want to go for a walk. For this four-year-old dachshund, it’s going to for a jump out of a plane or bust. Luckily for him, his owner Nathan Batiste is more than willing to comply with his daredevil dog’s desires. Having made over 400 jumps himself, there can’t be many owners who are better qualified to skydive with their pup. And skydive they did. 

People might not understand why this dog and owner duo go sky diving…

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But that doesn’t stop this pair!

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Dogs may drool, but they also rule.

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For more on the daredevil dog’s maiden voyage through the sky, take a look at the video below.

(via Daily Mail)

What an awesome jump! If you don’t feel like you’ve had enough of Riley, don’t worry. Nathan says he thinks Riley had a blast and plans to take him for another jump in the near future. Hopefully, Nathan still maintains control of the parachute.

I have a lot of faith in Riley, but I don’t think he’s quite ready to handle that sort of responsibility yet… especially since he lacks opposable thumbs.

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