This Church in Barcelona Has Been Under Construction For Over a Hundred Years.

There is a church in Barcelona, Spain, that is currently under construction…and has been for a while  (132 years to be exact). The Sagrada Familia is an epic piece of architecture, one whose construction was slowed down by historical events. Because of this, the church became the project of many architects throughout the time of its construction. This is an absolutely magnificent church, one that many look forward to seeing completed. Check out some pictures and the history of the Sagrada Familia below.  

The Sagrada Familia is a church that was initially designed by Spanish artist/architect Antoni Gaudi.

The construction of the ornate church began in 1882 (132 years ago) and continues today.

Gaudi oversaw its construction until his death in 1926. The construction continued without the church’s original architect.

Construction went on into the 30s, but was interrupted by the cataclysmic events of the Spanish Civil War and World War II.

Construction continued post-war. Because original designs by Gaudi were damaged in the 30s, a series of architects joined in on the construction of the church, each adding their own flavor to its design. It is set to be completed in 2026, the centennial of Gaudi’s death.

The organ in the church was installed in 2010. However, because of the complex angles of the structure and the acoustics they create, other organs must be installed in the church.

The ceiling of the church is very ornate and the multitude of columns not only provide structural support, but also have a decorative effect.

The outside of the church is full of complicated sculptures relating to different scenes from the Bible.

Here’s an angle that gives you a sense of how absolutely massive this church really is.

Here’s another example of one of the scenes depicted in the sculptures of the Sagrada Familia.

The completion of this church will be sure to excite all who enjoy ornate and epic architecture.

A great part of this church is the way it brings together the large and the small. It is an absolutely massive church structure made up of tiny and artistically beautiful details.


Upon its completion, the Sagrada Familia will certainly be a very important and beautiful achievement. It is sure to be a structure that people will travel from all around the world to see in person. I only wonder if I will still be alive to see its completion. Realistically, do you think they’ll finish it in the next 20 years? I certainly don’t.

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