These Are The Most Believable Alien Encounter Stories You’ve Ever Heard.

Space is a vast and mysterious place that surrounds us all. Countless people try to discover its mysteries (and just who else might be living there with us). As kids, I feel like we all were curious about what it would be like to be abducted by aliens. Sometimes, that fascination never goes away and some of us adults are still curious about it.

“Are we alone?” That’s one question that haunts many people on a daily basis. As one wise show about an FBI duo researching odd cases once said, “The truth is out there.” It certainly is… and it’s terrifying:

1.) 1964 – Officer Lonnie Zamora.

Zamora was in the middle of a high speed chase when he saw an odd flying object in the distance that he said was emitting blue flames. Inspecting the object further, Zamora claims to have witnessed 2 humanoid creatures get into the spacecraft and immediately take off, emitting the same blue flames that he witnessed before.

2.) 1957 – California – Gordon Cooper

Test pilot and astronaut Gordon Cooper claims to have seen and filmed a UFO sighting while stationed at Edwards Air Force Base. He apparently had a camera crew film the whole incident which included the UFO flying, landing, and then taking off. He described the craft as silver, smooth, and shiny.

3.) 1997 – Phoenix, AZ – Thousands of Witnesses.

Thousands of people called the local police departments, jamming up their phone lines, to report strange lights illuminating from a flying object in the sky. They were said to be in a V shape and to be able to move very quickly in the sky.

4.) 1961 – Connecticut – Betty and Barney Hill.

Driving home from vacation, married couple Betty and Barney Hill saw an “erratic moving star” in the sky. Upon closer inspection, they determined it is not a star, but rather an alien aircraft. The next day, Bettey called the local Air Force base, which also confirmed a UFO on their radar around the same time.

5.) 1966 – Australia – Several Hundred Witnesses.

Over 200 witnesses claim to have seen a UFO fly and then land near a local area high school during broad daylight. When the aircraft left, it apparently left at speeds that couldn’t be matched by the local area aircrafts that were investigating it.

6.) 1980 – Texas – Betty Cash and Vicky Landrum.

Two women witnessed a water tower-sized object on the ground that had flames shooting from its underside. They went to investigate the mysterious object, only to be immediately surrounded by dozens of military helicopters that escorted the strange aircraft away from the scene.

7.) 2008 – Stephensville, TX – 40 Witnesses.

40 residents of Stephensville, TX, including several policemen and a pilot, reported seeing a UFO hovering around the local farming community. It remained for about 5 minutes before darting off into the night sky.

It’s hard to say whether or not these people really saw aliens… but with so many accounts, you can’t deny they saw something strange. The years have been filled with these odd sightings. Something is going on and I have no doubt that the truth is out there, somewhere.

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