These Animals Hope To Make The Most Of 2015, Starting With These Resolutions

With the New Year comes the opportunity (and pressure) to become a new, better you. We make big plans to get to the gym more often, to finally read that great American classic that’s been sitting on your bookshelf for years, or to just be more generous to the people in our lives. We’ve been making resolutions for as long as we can recall. (Remember when you were a kid and vowed to be less bratty? Me either…) But, what you might not know is that animals feel the exact same way about the upcoming year.

1. To pamper myself more often.

Like, every day instead of every other day.

2. This year I want to become the world’s best bodysurfer!

3. I’m going to get in shape this year. Yeah, definitely this year.

4. I’m going to finally try out for America’s Next Top Model. Is that still a thing? I think I have what it takes…right?

5. I’m gonna try to be less camera shy.

6. I was thinking of trying vegetarianism this year. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, just never committed to it. I think 2015 is the year.

We’ll see…

7. To become more comfortable in my own skin.

8. To take it all in more often, maaann.

9. To work on bulking up my legs a little. Right now they’re a little spindly.

10. I want to be the next Punxsutawney Phil.

11. I’m going to try and make it out more during the day. I sleep all day but I hear so many good things about this “sunshine” thing!

Plus, mom says I shouldn’t “sleep the day away.”

12. To read more books! Or at least look at the pictures.

13. Same as that last guy!

14. Don’t tell those two, but I want to be more independent in 2015. I need more “me time.” Is that too much to ask?

15. I’m going to break my record for how many sunflower seeds I can fit in my cheeks. My current record is 20.

16. I really have to cut down on the cheese. My cholesterol is through the roof! The wife has been on my back about it forever.

17. My resolution is to spend more time with my cubs. I work too much, you know? They’re only young once. And then we hibernate.

18. To feel the sand beneath my paws more often!

19. This year, I’m going to try to be more accepting of the younger generations. Just because I have grey furs doesn’t mean I have to be so judgmental.

20. I just want to convince people that I’m a real, breathing creature – not a thing of their nightmares. I mean, I’m pink!

21. I’m planning on learning how to use this exercise ball. My human says it’s really great for the core.

22. To continue with my species’ world domination via our cuteness.

23. It’s time for me to take my relationship more seriously. This year I’m going to treat Carl with the respect he deserves.

24. I really have to spend less time online.

25. I’ve always wanted to go skydiving. That’s my resolution this year – to finally take the leap! Oh, and to land on my feet, not my back. That would suck.

26. I’m going to be even more fab than last year. Look at this eyeliner! It’s natural.

27. In 2015, I’m going to ruin each and every piece of my human’s furniture. But don’t tell them, okay?

28. To budget my finances better.

29. 2015’s the year I get back in touch with my creative side. I totally could have made it back in the day. I shouldn’t have given up my dream for a steady 9-5.

30. I’m going to learn to stand up for myself. I can be a tough guy, too! No more Mr. Nice Dog.

31. I’ve already fulfilled all my dreams. I am a king among cats.

Well, some are a little bit more modest than others, but to each their own! I wish all of them the best of luck in their goals. Here’s to a better, brighter year!

What are some of your resolutions? And, if you might venture a guess, what do you think your pet’s New Year’s resolution is?

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