These 31 Completely Useless Facts Are Guaranteed to Make You More Interesting.

What’s that old saying “All knowledge is worth having,”? Well maybe they should add a second part to that. Here’s my proposal, “All knowledge is worth having, but not all knowledge is useful.”

These 31 pretty much completely useless facts are good examples of that. The upside though, is that armed with this new, useless knowledge you’re going to be much more interesting at parties. Maybe? Hopefully? 

1.) Ewww.

2.) Getting creative.

3.) That’s a nice little life hack.

4.) Very sneaky.

5.) Because, science!

6.) How would they even find this out?

7.) I wish I could do that.

8.) I’d actually like to see that.

9.) This has got to be the best picture ever.

10.) A good investment.

11.) That would explain a lot of things.

12.) That’s pretty cool actually.

13.) That’s berry good to know.

14.) The all seeing bee.

15.) The more you know.

16.) Seem a little harsh.

17.) Saves on Q-Tips.

18.) That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?

19.) Today I learned that kangaroos are mobsters.

20.) You would only a mistake like that once.

21.) I never thought of it like that.

22.) They’re moving in slow motion.

23.) Then why do I always seem to get old ones?

24.) Mind = blown.

25.) I wouldn’t want to live there.

26.) That’s a great name for a tree.

27.) It’s probably better that way.

28.) Well good thing I don’t make a habit of swallowing sea water.

29.) Maybe they deserved it?

30.) More candy for me then.

31.) Wait, really?

(Via: Ebaum’s World)   

That one about Coke being green without artificial coloring is grossing me out. Share these useless, but interesting facts with your friends on Facebook by clicking below.

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