We’ve all had embarrassing moments – you know those really bad ones, where you just want to crawl under a rock and pretend it never happened. Hopefully, everyone forgets about it. As it turns out, animals have that exact same experience. Here are some of those moments (unfortunately, for the embarrassed critters) that were caught on camera.
1. “My commitment-phobia is kicking in riighhtt about now.”
2. “Bad idea bad idea BAD IDEA!”
3. Listen, if you didn’t want this to happen, you shouldn’t have chased that squirrel through the pricker bushes. You’ve experienced the cone of shame before.
4. Food. Coma.
5. “I was nice to him ONCE, and now he won’t leave me alone. Please let me in. Only me.”
6. “You know, you kind of look like a giant worm.”
8. What were you trying to prove?
9. “Can’t see! I regret this! Get it off!”
10. “This. Is. Mortifying.”
11. It’s like that time you fell UP the stairs in front of all your friends…
12. This guy has regret written all over his face.
13. “Lesson learned: Don’t let a 5-year-old give you a makeover.”
14. “Note for the future: Never say “yes” to a road trip again.”
15. “Why didn’t you tell me that BEFORE they asked me if I wanted to go to Vermont to meet the cousins…?”
16. You never should have made that bet, cat.
He definitely CAN fit your whole head in his mouth. Now, you owe him $5.
17. “I should have never taken this job. I hate business casual!”
18. “I take it back! We don’t want to explore anymore!”
20. “I never should have thrown this hot tub party.”
21. *Ahem* “A little help, here?”
22. “I should have known this was a terrible hiding spot!”
23. “Did I mention I’m afraid of heights?”
24. “So the answer is no, makeup is NOT my thing.”
25. “I knew I should have just gone to bed instead of searching for a midnight snack.”
26. “How did I even get up here?”
27. “I just wanted to see out the window! Help?”
28. “I seriously don’t know how this happened.”
29. I get it, picking out what to wear in the morning is HARD.
Oof. I know how each and every one of them feels. But they shouldn’t let things like this get to them too much. Mistakes are a part of life. We all make them! Next time you do something unbelievably dumb, take a step back, see if it hurt anyone else around you, and forget about it if no harm was done. Life is too short to dwell on the small stuff.