The 51 Spookiest Spots You Can Visit Across The United States.

Tis the season to be spooky! Gear up for your Halloween sugar high by scaring the dickens out of yourself at one of these terrifying travel options from each state… That is, if you’re brave enough.

I had no idea our country was so creepy.

Alabama: Auburn University Chapel

Used as a hospital during the Civil War, students and staff now claim it is haunted by the ghost of a soldier named Sydney Grimlett.

Alaska: Dimond Center

There are rumors that this Anchorage mall was built over an Indian burial ground. Supposedly, workers uncovered a few bodies during the construction and now they haunt the bathrooms and smaller hallways.

Arizona: The Bird Cage Theatre

Located in Tombstone, there have been reports over dating back to the 1880s of people hearing ghostly laughter, yelling, and strange music.

Arkansas: The Crescent Hotel

Known as “America’s Most Haunted Hotel,” there are said to be at least 8 ghosts wandering the hotel including former owner Norman G. Baker.

California: Wolfe Manor

Formerly used as a sanitarium, there have been claims it is haunted by its old residents. It is currently under renovations to be turned into a hotel, for anyone brave enough to actually stay there.

Colorado: The Stanley Hotel

Located near Rocky Mountain National Park, this hotel considered the home to many spirits including founder F.O. Stanlely and was the inspiration for the Overlook Hotel in Stanley Kubrick’s the Shining.

Connecticut: Union Cemetery

Considered “one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country,” its graves date back to the 1600s. Specters, orbs, and other apparitions have been witnessed and studied over the many years.

Deleware: The Governor’s Mansion

Reports claim there were some wine guzzling ghosts lurking around this home who would empty decanters filled for them every night. Other specters witnessed include former owner Dr. M.W. Bates’ deceased father, an apparition in a white wig, the ghost of a Revolutionary War soldier, and a girl in a red gingham dress.

Florida: The Biltmore Hotel

A mobster named Thomas “Fatty” Walsh was murdered here on September 7, 1929 after an unfortunate gambling dispute. He has been seen by guests hanging around the elevator ever since.

Georgia: Moon River Brewing Company

Employees have claimed experiencing physical attacks, possessions, and dark figures while working at this Savannah pub. Built in 1821, it was originally used at the city’s first hotel. 

Hawaii: Chaminade University of Honolulu

Several examples of paranormal activity have been reported over the years including apparitions of a spooky skateboarder and a soldier, odd sounds and electrical issues, shared dreams, and the feeling of being choked while sleeping.

Idaho: Owyhee Mountains

Is supposedly home to some ultra-freaky creatures. Residents claim some of the caves are home to demon possessed canibalistic dwarves who are around 2-feet tall and feature long tails they wrap around themselves in order to hide. They have been accused of abducting children and eating them.

Illinois: The Ashmore Estates

Built in 1916, it was formerly used as an almshouse before being turned into a psychiatric facility in 1959. Closed and condemned in the late 1980s, it was renovated and reopened in 2006 as a haunted house attraction.

Indiana: Dunes State Park

In 1915, a woman named Alice Mabel Gray grew tired of city life after graduating from the University of Chicago and headed to a small cabin to spend her life alone among the dunes. She was titled “Diana of the Dunes” by journalists of the time and her spirit supposedly still lingers in the park. 

Iowa: Iowa State Penitentiary 

Inmates have reported cold spots in certain cells, the sound of chains clanking in the halls, and some claim to be victims of violent spectral physical attacks. Even officers have had the willies while on rounds, many of them refusing to go the end of the solitary confinement area at night because of dark feelings, specifically the feeling of being watched very intently by specters.

Kansas: Wichita State University

Wilner Auditorium is rumored to be haunted by its namesake, George Wilner. Reports include disembodied voices, doors opening and closing by themselves, and lights turning on and off and flickering without any explanation.

Kentucky: Bobby Mackey’s Music World

Known as “the most haunted night club in America,” it was formerly a slaughterhouse and the site of a satanic ritual murder in the late 1800s. Killers Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling claimed they would haunt the establishment following their hanging. They apparently favor the well room where the well is claimed to be an entrance to hell.

Louisiana: Myrtle’s Plantation

A former slave named Chloe is said to roam the grounds after being murdered by fellow slaves after she accidentally poisoned some of the master’s family with oleander leaves in a cake. They were apparently attempting to keep themselves from being punished by killing her.

Maine: Camden Hills State Park

Legend says that in the late 1800s, a little girl named Elenora French fell to her death when her pink hat was swept from her head by the wind and she chased after it. Visitors have since reported seeing her floating pink had and hearing the sound of her screams near the cliff she fell from.

Maryland: Engineered Piping Products

The company is located on what was once a neighborhood and it seems some of the residents were reluctant to leave. Employees report buzzing and the feeling of their clothes being tugged while working alone in the building.

Massachusetts: The Houghton Mansion

Home to the state’s first mayor, A.C. Houghton, who lost his wife and daughter when their chauffeur committed suicide in a car accident resulting in all their deaths. His guilt-ridden ghost supposedly still lingers around. 

Michigan: Mission Point Resort

Located on Lake Huron’s Mackinac Island, guests have claimed to see several apparitions over the years including a little girl in the auditorium, victims who drowned in lagoons, pools, and from jumping off cliffs.

Minnesota: Greyhound Bus Museum

Employees and visitors have reported windows opening and closing on their own as well as shadows appearing and disappearing throughout the museum.

Mississippi: Bellevue

Reportedly haunted by slaves who were beaten to death by the cruel former mistress of the house, they have been known to slam doors and throw items around the home.

Missouri: Kemper Arena

Professional wrestler Owen Hart fell 78 feet to his death in 1999 at the arena, reports of his spirit flickering the lights on and off in the arena late at night and sightings of him wandering in his famous Blue Blazer.

Montana: Bannack

One of the first settled towns in the state, it is now considered a ghost town. A woman in a blue dress named Dorothy who drowned, outlaws executed for their crimes, and a high infant mortality rate have all resulted in reports of ghostly activity.

Click on the next page to see even more haunted places!

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