Losing Your Luggage Is Terrible, But Having This Guy Help You Would Just Rock.

Dutch airliner KLM has a new Lost & Found team at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, dedicated to reuniting people with their lost items as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter if you lost a teddy bear, a laptop or your luggage. They will help you find your stuff!

Locating the owners can sometimes be a challenge though, so some very special forces have been hired for the job…

(Source: KLM)

Right then, looks like my next flight will be with KLM and I’ll be losing all my stuff on purpose…

Unfortunately, this cute helper is just a promotional stunt by KLM and there aren’t actually any dogs working in their newly launched Lost & Found team (awww). Disappointing right? Would have been one awesome “Lost & Hound” service.

KLM spokesperson Joost Ruempol had this to say: “The dog is purely used to symbolize the active way in which our new Lost & Found team will search for owners and unite them with their lost possessions”.

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