Here Are The 20 Most Passive Aggressive Notes Ever Left. #6 Is Much Deserved… LOL.

If working in close proximity with the same people for long periods of time has taught me anything, it’s that writing a passive aggressive note is the best way to vent your anger. These 20 examples below of passive aggressive notes are the works of people who clearly have mastered the art, or have a bright future ahead of them in the case of the notes written by kids.

1) Do the right thing here…make sure you recycle.

2) The excessive exclamation points are just as bad.

3) I love you, Mom. Your sandwiches? Not so much.

4) I’d legally change my name to Dave for some delicious Lipton’s Green Tea.

5) Trashive aggressive.

6) Who doesn’t love a good Wi-Fight.

7) This kid understands the meaning of Father and Son Day.

8) Wedding dress: $1000. Greeting card: $2.25. Bathroom scale: $45. Instilling a lifetime eating disorder in your daughter: Priceless.

9) Oh that poor quick pumper.

10) Here’s a fun fact, the official city bird of Madison, Wisconsin is the plastic flamingo lawn ornament.

11) Don’t rely on the dish gnomes to ever visit again, I did and now I can’t make it to the front door due to stacks of dirty dishes in the way.

12) Neds mor hi fruktos corn sirup.

13) What a crappy marriage proposal.

14) The “Thanks!” is perfect.

15) Translation for those who don’t speak six-year-old: “Mom (sigh) I really love you but why do you ruin each day of my life. I’ll be on the front porch if you want to talk with me.”

16) What a beach.

17) Talk about dedication to a passive aggressive note. The writer went to such lengths as to place the note in a sheet protector.

18) This homeowner wins at creativity.

19) The saddest person in the world isn’t hungry, he ate too many tears.

20) To the person who stole my newspaper and scissors – please leave $3 under my door.

H/T: BuzzFeed Share these funny passive aggressive notes with your friends below.

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