No, we’re not talking about terrible fanfiction, so you can relax. This fan art was inspired by the wonderful world of creatures introduced to us by author J.K. Rowling. Artists, using descriptions from the books, created these monstrous drawings to pay tribute the series. Those concept creations have now been compiled into Harry Potter: The Creature Vault: The Creatures and Plants of the Harry Potter Films. Two colons in one title? You know it’s going to be good.
The concept art for the wizarding world’s plants, animals and…other things were illustrated by various artists. The book even includes a 40-page section on dragons alone. In addition, the Creature Vault is full of trivia and information about the creatures that Potterheads everywhere can appreciate. It’s set up like a classic zoology text with diagrams and information for extra geek-outs.
And, with the exception of the Pygmy Puff, a lot of these creatures are rendered in such detail as to make them terrifyingly realistic.
Hungarian Horntail, Paul Catling
Another view of the Hungarian Horntail (Harry for scale), Paul Catling
Dementor, Rob Bliss
Aragog (Harry and Ron for scale), Adam Brockbank
Swarm of Inferii, Rob Bliss
Pygmy Puff, Rob Bliss
This is just a small sampling of the critters inside the book. When you consider what a lush world Rowling created, it’s easy to imagine the sheer number of inhabitants must populate it!