Grab Your Backpack…And Your Teddy Bear. These Haunted Hikes Are Tense.

Haunted houses, if built correctly, can be really scary. Flashing lights, frightening costumes and dark hallways can get almost anyone on edge. But nature? When nature is scary…it’s really scary. No one designed these paths to be terrifying, they just are. 

Which makes it even more horrifying.

1.) Enchanted Rock, Texas

This place is haunted by the ghost of a Native American woman who threw herself off a cliff after watching a rival tribe slaughter her own.

2.) Freetown State Forest, Massachusetts

Cursed by the Wampanoag Tribe, this Massachusetts area forest became synonymous with ghosts, hauntings, strange sights, and UFO activity.

3.) South Mount Hawkins, California

This place has a hiking trail sketched into the ground through a pagan animal sacrifice, making the trail here the direct result of voodoo.

4.) Screaming Woods, U.K.

The Dering Woods, commonly known as the “Screaming Woods,” is the place where you’ll often hear the faint screams of human terror. Found in the small British village of Pluckley, Kent, the source of the screams is supposedly a dead highwayman executed by the villagers.

5.) Old House Woods, Virginia

With a history stretching back past the Revolutionary War, the ghosts of pirates, conquistadors, spirits, and demons are said to lurk in the forest.

6.) Hell Fire Club On Montpelier Hill, Ireland

Built in 1725, the former lodge is famous for its long association with paganism and devil worship.

7.) Griffith Park, California

After being cursed by the former landowner, and supposedly containing the specter of Peg Entwistle near the sign, it’s no wonder LA residents think twice about approaching their city’s famous landmark.

8.) Hoia-Baciu Forest, Romania

Known as the “Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania,” this place has a disturbing amount of abductions and weird growing vegetation.

9.) Bhangarh Fort, India

The Indian government forbids any night time visitors due to a wizard’s 16th century curse. You can really feel the fear.

10.) Suicide Forest, Japan

Thousands of Japanese citizens ventured into this creepy forest to commit suicide. There are so many suicides that local police no longer report the numbers.

(via All Day)

Under no circumstances will I ever visit any of these places. I think I’ll save my hikes for the non-haunted places, thank you very much! Why would anyone want to visit a SUICIDE FOREST?

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