Girl With A Very Rare Disease Meets The Extremely Rare Donor Who Saved Her Life.

A young Wisconsin girl, who would have died a few years ago without a bone marrow transplant, has finally met the man whose donation ended up saving her life.

Three years ago Mira Erdmann was diagnosed with a very rare auto-immune disease that affects about one in a million people. Doctors told her parents that their only hope was a bone marrow transplant, and even with one the chances of survival were very slim.

Luckily for the Erdmann family there was a donor an ocean away. Chrestean Werth, of Germany, found out he was Mira’s match just three months after he became a donor, and after one transplant, several complications and a 5% chance of survival, Mira miraculously pulled through.

The donor registry requires anonymity for two years. That’s why the pair were only able to meet recently… and it was so touching. Watch the moment they did in the video below.

(Source: Associated Press)

My heart just can’t handle this! Not only did Chrestean put himself at risk for a stranger, but he did it for a baby so that she could grow up to be a happy and healthy adult. Thank you, Chrestean!

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