Footage Captures A Cop Saving A Man Who’s Wheelchair Got Stuck During A Storm.

When push comes to shove, it would seem that Fort Meyers, Florida, officer Gil Benitez is happy to do more pushing.

Officer Benitez is being hailed a hero after he went above and beyond his duty to rescue a wheelchair-bound man who got stuck during an intense storm. The whole thing was captured by a dashboard camera mounted in Benitez’s squad car, showing the officer step into the pouring rain and approach Michael Arnold to offer his assistance. He then wheels Arnold around, and pushes him out of frame as lightning flashes in the background. After getting the man unstuck, Benitez helped dry him off, then waited at home with Arnold until his family arrived.

(Source: YouTube)

This is the kind of video that restores all of my faith in humanity. Wow. Share this helpful officer with your friends on Facebook by clicking the button below.

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