Everything About This Tree House Cafe Is Perfect. Can I Go There, Like, Now?

What’s the coolest cafe you’ve visited? I guarantee it wasn’t built in a gigantic tree overlooking the city (even if they could make really awesome latte art). This amazing tree house establishment in Japan takes the (coffee)cake for coolest cafe. For sure.

The place is called The Nanja Monja Café and is located in the suburbs of the city of Yokohama.

Getting there is only a short train ride from Tokyo.

After wandering a bit through the back streets, there it is! The tree house cafe.

There are real space limitations here. The cafe only has six tables at the moment. This means you’ll usually have to wait a while for a table.

The cafe also shuts down if the weather is bad. Make sure to check the weather report before you head out.

Wow. That’s the coolest looking cafe I’ve ever seen.

When it’s your turn, you get to climb up the tall, narrow staircase.

Heading inside.

You place your order at the counter before sitting down.

The food menu is limited to just bagels. These bagels are special though. They come in the following flavors: French toast, spinach bacon, raspberry sweet bean jam with cream cheese, pumpkin cream cheese, and orange peel chocolate.

Look at the view!

You can sit inside, or outside.

By some accounts, the floor of the cafe shakes every once in a while, but it still looks extremely relaxing.

More views.

It seems like you might forget that the place is actually built in a tree.

It’s bagel time.

What the inside of an orange peel and chocolate bagel look like.

I think I want one of these right now.

Behold! The raspberry sweet bean jam bagel.

You can also get some banana juice if you’re feeling ambitious.

That actually looks pretty good.

If banana juice isn’t your thing, you can always order a beer.

Looks like the recipe for a perfect tree house meal.

Awesome parrots often show up.

Via: RocketNews24

This seems like the perfect place to spend an entire day with a good book and good pastries. That jelly bagel looks delicious. I’m hungry just thinking about it…

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