If you want to learn about the relationship between two bordering countries, look no further than their physical boundaries. Some of them are natural wonders. Some are unwelcoming walls. Others are polite lines drawn in the ground that seem to simply request you not cross over without making your presence known to government officials.
Aside from to revealing a lot about what two neighboring nations think about each other, these borders are also just cool to look at. Many are beautiful; others are super complicated. Take a look.
Norway and Sweden
Netherlands and Belgium
Spain and Morocco
Spain and British Gibraltar
Argentina and Brazil
Slovakia and Poland
United States and Russia
Ira Block
Spain and Portugal
India and Pakistan
Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland
Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil
Austria and Slovenia
Poland and Ukraine
Former West and East Berlin
United States and Canada
Haiti and the Dominican Republic
United States and Mexico
(via Distractify)
As awesome as it was to see these, imagine how great the world would be if we didn’t need borders at all. That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon, but one can always dream.