An Engineer Used His Expensive Education And Cheetos To Achieve His Dream

Everyone has at least one talent. Natural talents can vary from the normal (playing a musical instrument, speaking multiple languages) to the bizarre (speaking backwards, burping the alphabet). After mechanical engineer Andy Huot bought a bag of Cheetos, he realized all of the snacks looked like something. So, he created an Instagram account to show off his Cheeto “finds.” Not only did he immediately gain 40,000 followers in a matter of days, but he’s now taking off of work early to focus on his new found talent.

It all started with his innocent photo of a Sasquatch “sculpture.”

It quickly went viral. He since created an elaborate mini studio to take better photos for his work. He also works 30 minutes extra every day to take Fridays off so he can “shoot” new photos!

He recently created dozens of new photos of his work.

1.) Football!

2.) Nothing to see here but a Pope kissing a baby.

3.) This monkey is throwing things around in a festive manner.

4.) The snowboarding move of our dreams.

5.) What’s with all the violence?

6.) Ah, Mark Twain!

7.) What’s the world record for bull riding?

8.) Honest Abe’s wife is angry for some reason.

9.) Seahorses are no fun.

10.) “Yes, son. You cry it out like a good boy.”

11.) This fetus is growing up so quickly.

12.) Thanks for the sermon, Pope Francis.

13.) This mother is in serious trouble with her wailing baby.

14.) Monkey high-five!

15.) And some say evolution isn’t real.

16.) Ready, aim, shoot!

17.) We’ve heard prostate exams are necessary, but this is ridiculous.

18.) Nice to see a sculpture for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

(via 22 Words)

There you have it. A perfectly useful mechanical engineer, subjugated to taking pictures of cheesy puffs for our amusement. (I’m not complaining, though. These are pretty awesome.)

If you want to see more, follow Andy’s Instagram page for all it’s cheesy goodness. Better yet, buy an HD print of his Cheeto discoveries from his Etsy store. They cost between $20 and $25 each. Plus, the ultimate goal of his Etsy store will be to fund his upcoming wedding. 

Cheetos and true love. What could be better?

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