This Abandoned Japanese Western Theme Park Is Abandoned And Totally Odd.

Imagine you are the last person on Earth. You walk around the ruins of the planet alone, with nothing but the remnants of a former civilization in your wake. That’s what one man did in his visit to an unnamed American-themed abandoned Japanese theme park. He took pictures of the creepy remnants, and the results will definitely leave a spooky feeling in your stomach.

The Japanese know how to do it right.

A weathered looking Mt. Rushmore replica.

Imagine being alone in a room with these mannequins.

A huge mess hall.

The Cafe Pancho’s restaurant.

A mini Mt. Rushmore.

I’m amazed that this guy is still standing.

I wouldn’t want to be alone with all of these things staring at me.

The creepiest part of this photo is the mannequin seen through the window.

It’s so weird seeing so many American emblems in a Japanese park.

A sad remnant of the amusement park’s abandonment.

These photos of the park in Japan were taken by Shane Thoms and are part of his series, “Abandoned Japan.” If you’d like to see more of his work, you can find it at

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