Apparently, Finding Buried Treasure Isn’t As Rare As You Think. Awesome!

Wouldn’t it be nice to find a treasure trove in your attic or basement? Maybe a piece of junk you bought at a flea market is actually something priceless? That’s how I feel every time I watch Antique Road Show (which is a lot more often than I’d like to admit). 

Apparently, happening upon something that’s extremely valuable isn’t as rare as you would think. These people , through sheer luck, found some of the coolest treasures.

1.) Coins buried in the backyard.

In 2013, a California couple found $11 million worth of old coins in their backyard. The couple had been out walking their dogs when they discovered eight cans buried with 1,427 rare coins in perfect condition. The coins all dated back to between 1847 and 1894. 

The couple, who wished to remain anonymous, sold most of the coins. You can now find them for sale on if you’re interested.

2.) Copy of the Declaration of Independence.

At a flea market in Adamstown Pennsylvania, a man unwittingly purchased an original copy of the Declaration of Independence for just $4. The copy was one of 500 officially made back in 1776 to carry the news to all corners of the 13 colonies. It was hidden behind a painting that the man purchased.

The copy is one of only 24 left in existence. It sold at auction for $2.4 million to a private collector in Georgia. 

3.) Ultra Rare Baseball Card.

Bernice Gallego was lucky enough to find an ultra rare baseball card in her house. Gallego is not a huge baseball fan, and she was going to sell the card on eBay for $10. Luckily, a friend stepped in to tell Gallego what she had.

It turns out the card was an original print from 1869 featuring America’s first professional baseball team, The Cincinnati Red Stockings. Gallego sold the card at auction for $75,285. 

4.) Ancient Coins in a Field.


Martin Elliott was teaching his cousin how to use a metal detector in a field at their family farm, when the two made a startling discovery. They found a cache of 9,213 Roman silver coins. It was the largest find of Roman coins in the history. The stash is valued at approximately $426,856.  

5.) Depression Dollars in a Bathroom Wall.

Bob Kitts, a contractor from Cleveland, Ohio found a huge stash of Depression era money inside the bathroom wall of a house he was remodeling. Kitts and the homeowner had the bills appraised and turns out they’re worth about half a million dollars. 

However, any hopes of a big payday have been tied up in legal battles between Kitts, the homeowner, and former owners of the house.  

6.) Secret Painting Inside a Couch.

Back in 2007, a student in Berlin got very lucky when she purchased a couch at a flea market. Hidden inside the pullout couch was a lost painting from the 17th century. Though it’s unknown who actually painted it, the painting sold at auction in Hamburg for $27,630. 

7.) Rare Movie Poster.

Laura Stouffer, an antiques dealer, randomly made the purchase a lifetime. Stouffer found a painting she liked at a thrift shop and she haggled the dealer down. Eventually, she bought the painting for only a song.

When she got home, underneath the painting was a folded up window sized movie poster from the 1939 film “All Quiet on the Western Front.” The poster is worth several thousand dollars. 

(Via: Mashable)

Hmm I think I might have to hit the flea market this weekend. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some unexpected discoveries.  

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