Heart-Pounding Facts About Your Own Body That Are Hard To Believe. Wow.

What is the most important part of the body: The head or the heart?

This question existed since the dawn of philosophers… and middle school English teachers. We value our intelligence over most things, and for good reason. We traveled to the moon and back and turned communication with others around the globe into child’s play. We even created technology allowing me to write this article at 32,000 feet on a plane traveling near the speed of sound, all thanks to the human brain.

But without the heart, the brain could not exist. That’s why you MUST know these 25 important (and cool) facts about hearts. Some may even save your life… and your intelligence.

1.) According to studies, the more education you have, the less likely you’ll die from heart disease.

2.) Yet heart disease is still the greatest risk of death.

3.) They’ve even found signs of it in 3,000 year old mummies.

4.) The largest heart belongs to the blue whale, at over 1,500 lbs.

5.) Your heart is a super muscle, and it’s used well beyond any other muscle in your body during a lifetime.

6.) Your heart creates enough energy to power a truck for 20 miles a day.

7.) Which means you could drive to the moon AND back on nothing but heart power.

8.) Healthy hearts start with a balance of clean living, low stress, and exercise.

9.) There are 75 trillion cells in your body, and the heart pumps blood to almost all of them.

10.) Your cornea is the only thing doesn’t get them.

11.) Hate waiting for long trains? Well your heart pumps enough blood in a lifetime to fill 200 tankers (1.5 million barrels).

12.) A heart cell, the very first one, starts to beat at 4 weeks.

13.) The days with the most heart attacks are Christmas Day, December 26, and on New Year’s.

If you thought those were mind-blowing, just wait till you see the rest!

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