This Is What French Fries Look Like In Different Parts Of The World. Delicious!

Everyone knows what french fries look like. They come as a side with almost any meal worth ordering at a restaurant. But what if the french fries you’ve come to know and love aren’t the same food on the other side of the earth? What if someone living in Belgium has a different idea of what french fries are than you?

Well, I have some bad news. That’s actually the case (hopefully it doesn’t shatter your world view). Take a look at how french fries are served in different countries around the world!

1. United States of America

2. United Kingdom

3. Canada

4. Philippines

5. France

6. Netherlands

7. Belgium

(via Mental_Floss)

Who knew there are so many ways to fry the skin of a potato? Mmmmm. Time to call my travel agent!

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