25 Days Of Creepy Christmas, Day 11: These Christmas Theme Parks Were Huge Fails

Welcome to our first annual ViralNova Presents: 25 Days Of Creepy Christmas special section! Every day, from December 1st to December 25th, we’re posting a new Christmas themed article guaranteed to get you in the creepy holiday spirit.

Some people can’t get enough of the Christmas season and wish it could go on forever. Others are sick of the holidays the minute that Starbucks switches over to their Christmas cups.

For the former group of folks, there are some among them who actually tried to keep the holiday vibes going all year round. So, what did they do? They built Christmas theme parks, of course! Unfortunately, this gaudy and poorly planned creations didn’t go over well with the general public.

1.) Santa Claus, Arizona.

Unlike many the other places on this list, Santa Claus, Arizona was actually a real town.

It was the creation of California real estate agent, Nina Talbot and her husband. They officially founded the town in 1937, and used its name as a marketing tactic to convince people to buy land in the town.

To keep up the holiday feelings, the town had a Christmas theme park where children could meet Santa Claus all year round.

Eventually Santa Claus, Arizona, became a popular tourist destination. However, no one bought land in the town, except for the people who worked in the amusement park and shops.

Sadly, because of falling profits, Talbot and her husband sold Santa Claus in 1949 and moved on to other investments. You can still visit the town and see its decaying, Christmas themed ruins.

2.) Santa’s Village, California.

This Santa park was once part of a national chain of holiday theme parks.

As times and tastes changed, visitors declined to the point of putting this little park out of business. It now stands empty and abandoned with an uncertain future.

3.) Cidade Albanoel, Brazil.

This theme park was originally intended to become the largest theme park is all of Brazil.

According to the plans for the park, it was going to cover 38 million square meters. That’s 460 football fields, and one heck of a theme park.

Included in those plans was a specific section of the park that was going to be all about Santa Claus. This was because the owner of the park Antonio Albano Reis was a huge fan of Santa Claus.

Construction on the park began in 2000, however Reis was killed in a car accident not long after construction began. Without him leading the charge, the rest of the park was never completed. The Santa section of the park briefly opened to the public for a few years before the entire thing went belly up.

Via: Atlas Obscura

Don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays as much as the next person. I just could never see myself actually enjoying a holiday theme park at any other time of year except December.

If you want to follow all of ViralNova’s “25 Days Of Creepy Christmas,” you can either Like ViralNova OMG on Facebook or check them out right here.

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