2 Baby Birds Were Knocked Out Of A Tree During A Storm, But They Got Some Help.

Unfortunately, baby birds are delicate creatures. Their lives can be endangered by predators, storms, strong winds and even humans. 

After one particularly severe storm, this Reddit user discovered two balls of fluff in his yard. Thinking the two little birds were dead, he went to scoop them up with plastic. When they began squirming, he knew he had to get them inside. 

Soon, they were dried off, but the little birds were still in trouble. Their foster father decided to hand-raise the little doves… and the outcome was incredible.

This is the day the two baby birds were found. A strong storm knocked them out of their tree and they ended up on the ground.

Once they were dried off, their rescuer put them in an animal carrier and took them in.

In just a few days, the birds began to perk up. This is Foul.

And here is Grounder.

The early stages of feeding was messy. They ate a mix of whole wheat flour, cormeal, oats, and a calcium and vitamin supplement for birds. Over time, more bird seed was added to the mix.

It took about a week for the little doves to feed themselves.

By week 3, food could be left for them inside their carrier.

Their foster father even gave them flying lessons by gently tossing them in his yard.

“About a week before release I took them over to my parent’s house to live on their screen porch. My parents have several bird feeders and a fresh water source, as well as a large dove population. I figured it would be better for them than my place which is a little more in the city.”

The day of release. Foul (right) still has a little bit of down. Grounder (left) was always bigger.

Before releasing them, they were introduced to the bird feeders.

Foul took off into one of the nearby pine trees.

Grounder is doing well, too, but still visits with the family from time to time.


(via Reddit)

Most baby birds that get knocked out of their nests die from the fall, exposure, predators or lack of food. Thankfully, with proper research and tedious care, this man was able to save these baby doves. If you find a baby bird yourself, contact a wildlife shelter. Or, you can leave it be. Sometimes a mother bird will be able to locate her young. Raising birds is a lot harder than people realize. 

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