11 Active Volcanoes From Around The World That Could Totally Erupt At Any Time

As we live our day to day lives, we worry about relatively domestic things such as work, taxes, the kids, and getting to the grocery store before it closes. Volcanic eruptions are probably the last thing on our minds. But have you read about volcanoes lately? They’re terrifying!

Huge active volcanoes (and even HUGER active supervolcanoes) exist here in 2015…and some could erupt in our lifetime. Not only would the initial eruption kill thousands with lava, the surrounding area would be filled with volcanic gases. Those gases could suffocate people and animals, as well as destroy crops. An eruption could also cause acid rain to fall from the sky (which is also not particularly welcome). Even organizations wanted to send in help or supplies via aircraft, they couldn’t because the ash over the sky would make it too hazardous for the pilots.

It is truly an apocalyptic fate. Let’s all take the time to talk about how terrifying these active volcanoes are, please.

Mount Ōyama, Japan.

In 2000, Mount Ōyama erupted, producing toxic gas so severe nobody was allowed to live on the island of Miyakejima for four years. Even now, the people living on the repopulated island are required to carry a gas mask at all times and an alarm is sounded when the sulfur levels become too high.

Mt. Vesuvius, Italy.

The infamous volcano that left the city of Pompeii in ruins is still active. Yet, it is the most densely populated volcanoes in the world with 3,000,000 people casually sitting underneath. That’s not good considering Vesuvius has erupted several times since 79 AD and it has been known to produce particularly explosive eruptions now called ‘Plinian eruptions’, named after Pliny the Younger, the lone survivor of Pompeii.

Taal Volcano, Philippines.

One of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, it is estimated that it has already killed a total of 6,000. It is recommended that visitors keep a safe distance when viewing it.

Yellowstone Caldera, USA.

This tranquil spot is actually a supervolcano, which is different from a regular volcano because it produces an eruption thousands of times larger than a regular volcano. Oh also, it’s in Wyoming. Experts say that the initial blast could kill 87,000 people instantly. The ash and gas could greatly hurt our food supply, to the point that it’s possible we may lose all of the Western United States.

Mt. Merapi, Indonesia.

Smoke can be seen emerging from the top of this Asian horror 300 days a year. In 2010, the volcano erupted for an entire month and the lava caused it to shrink about 125 ft.

Sakurajima, Japan

This volcano demanded its presence be known when, in 1914, it erupted. The hardened lava flow was so large, it turned the island it inhabited into a peninsula, connecting it to mainland Japan. The 700,000 people that live under its shadow endure thousands of minor eruptions a year. They have special shelters installed in case of a major explosion, but there’s little chance these will stay the wrath of the Vesuvius of the East.

Ulawun, Papua New Guinea.

The biggest fear of those who live closest to the volcano is that because of its height, a structural collapse could easily occur, causing a devastating eruption.

Popocatépetl, Mexico.

Although this is the second highest peak in Mexico, it is certainly the most dangerous. The last major eruption occurred in 1947. Since 1994, there have been 8 minor eruptions, each of which forced the nearby 41,000 townspeople to evacuate. The last minor eruption was just this past year. Could it be priming up for something more deadly?

Mauna Loa, Hawaii

The lava of Mauna Loa may flow relatively slowly, but the landslides it produces may cause intense earthquakes and megatsunamis which are just as violent if not more so.

Mt. Nyiragongo, Congo.

This volcano is particularly dangerous because within its mouth is the largest lake of lava in the world, causing runoff lava that can travel at 60 miles per hour. The last time it erupted was in 2002. 147 people died.

Galeras, Columbia.

Its first historical eruption was in 1580, but its most recent was is 2010, forcing the evacuation of 8,000 people.

Being in New York, I know that logically I probably have enough geological distance from volcanoes that I won’t be drowning in lava anytime soon, but does it freak anyone else out that our own planet can betray us like this? Each of these volcanoes should remind us of Nature’s wrath…and how things can go so wrong, so quickly.

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