You’ve Made Collages, But You’ve Never See Anything Like What This Artist Does.

Eugenia Loli manages to redefine what it means to be a collage artist these days. Her work is inspired by a surreal sensibility, and manages to convey a real message through something that might seem nonsensical at first.

Before going into the art world, Loli worked in the world of technology.

Here’s how she puts it in her bio: “Eugenia Loli originated in the technology sector, but she left that impersonal world behind in order to build new, exciting worlds via her art.”

Loli starts all of her creations with a base image.

She then builds around it, creating as she goes.

It’s important, she says, for her works to have a message behind them, even if it’s not obvious at first.

Some delicious map ham.

This one is my favorite.

Andy Warhol really has nothing on Eugenia Loli.

Looks like a fun and surreal children’s party.

Loli was born in Greece, but has spent time living in Germany and the U.K. She currently resides in California.

I would buy a couple of these sweaters.

She gets the images for her collages from vintage magazines and science publications.

I wonder which magazine this base image came out of.

Instead of cutting the images out, she scans and prints them.

This is probably the most surreal thing I’ve ever seen.

Via: This Is Colossal

I’m seriously stunned by the frantic beauty of these pieces. For more from Eugenia Loli, make sure to follow her Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.

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