Every winter, there comes a time when you need to break out the cold weather gear. Yes, this means it’s time to dig around for your gloves, scarves, coats and, of course, hats. The cozy toppers pretty much have free range when it comes to how they look, and people seem to be willing to allow hats to be kind of wacky. That said, these hats take the cake for wackiest. (I need them all.)
2. Bane Mask
Okay, so this might not keep your head very warm, but it’s perfect for stirring up terror in chilly weather.
5. Mummy Hat and Mask
It’ll keep your nose warm, but this child doesn’t seem too pleased about it.
7. Woodland Creature Hats
These handcrafted hats have a slightly ominous feeling, but would be perfect for a walk through the woods.
8. Bender Hat
It’s best to start your kids on the right path early, and there’s no better role model than Bender, the beer-guzzling, trash-talking robot.
9. Knight Helmet
It might not protect you from sword blows, but it will keep your ears warmer. Also, the visor folds down to keep your face warm.
11. Cthulhu Mask (and gloves!)
With a matching set of gloves, your dark powers will certainly be awakened.
14. Nursing hat
The next time someone complains when you breastfeed in public, slap this on your baby’s head. Boom. Decency.
15. Alien Hat
If you ever want to make someone feel like they’re being watched, you might consider this.
16. Antler Hat
Dogs need to stay toasty, too, but they’re not always happy about accessorizing.
Hats like these will certainly get you noticed, and might attract a few stares. And if you have that one with the eyeballs, you can stare right back!