With Its Human In Near-Peril, This Brave Dog Leapt To The Rescue

This dog was comfortably lounging on the banks of a lake when he saw something truly disturbing. The dog’s owner, who went swimming in the lake, suddenly disappeared under the surface and didn’t come up. The watchful dog quickly leapt into action, jumping into the water to come to the aid of his human.

What…NO!? HUMAN!

The human was not in any real danger, but the dog still came to his aid, pushing him towards the shore and even taking his hand to pull him up.


Just a littttttttle bit more…

You’re welcome. Now, where’s my cheeseburger?

(via YouTube)

As you can see from the man’s expression, this was actually a successful skill that the dog had learned. Even though the man was not in any danger, this was still an amazing show of bravery and intelligence on the dog’s part. We still think you might want to close the bathroom door at home, or you could be in for a less-than-relaxing bubblebath.

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