Last week in Winchester County, United Kingdom, nine nearly unidentifiable animals were found abandoned and in extremely rough shape. Some of the people who saw the animals from a distance thought that they might be sheep because of their long, matted, muddied hair, but upon closer inspection it was sure that all nine of the creatures were severely neglected dogs.
Found in numerous locations across the city, it was easy to see that these dogs had all been mistreated by the same person. What’s more, it was clearly a mother and her eight babies.
Their unkempt hair was so heavy and cumbersome that they couldn’t walk or see, and their paws were embedded with rocks and their own overgrown nails.
Upon first glance, it was impossible to tell what breed the dogs were because of the state that they were in. After three hours and pounds of hair later (each on shed up to 26 pounds!), it turned out they were adorable poodle mixes.
Vets said that the hair removed from the dogs was equal to half their body weight! Imagine lugging around an extra 50% of yourself.
The dogs are now receiving care at various shelters in the area, though it will take weeks to bring them back to health, and then get them to trust humans again, though they are said to be “fabulous little pups.”
One of the rescues, named Kate, is in such poor shape that putting her down may have to be a last-resort option to consider.
Daily Echo readers were so appalled by the incident, that within 24 hours, the online fundraiser with a £3,000 goal, had been surpassed.
These two kindhearted Winchester residents, Roderick and Hazel Ross, alone contributed £2,000. Their generous donation, along with the rest of the contributions, will go toward rehabilitating the family of pups.
Winchester City Council is still looking for the former owner responsible for this crime against the innocent canines, who’ve since been named Sian (the mother), Dave, Faye, Justin, Kate, William, Maria, Martha, and Mavis.
RSPCA workers have no doubt that they’ll all easily find loving homes once they are ready to leave medical care.
While Kate is looking a little healthier, it’s clear that she is still very frail.
(via Wamiz)
The things people are capable of is absolutely absurd.
As listed above in the video description, if you are in the U.K. and have any information about these pups, you should email [email protected] or call 01962 840 222. You can also donate here to help support the cause.