When This Woman Stabbed Her Husband, His Life Was Somehow Saved.

How many times have you heard someone say, “I was so mad at him, I could kill him” in anger? It happens all the time, of course. (Especially when someone forgets an anniversary.) It never means anything. After all, if you can’t trust your spouse to avoid stabbing you…well, you get the point.

That’s why we couldn’t help but be interested in the story of British woman who recently stabbed her husband in a violent bent of rage. But she didn’t kill him. In fact, she may have saved his life.

Margaret Parsons, 47 was arrested after stabbing her 58-year-old husband. Their fight resulted from absolutely nothing, and led to the husband suffering wounds to his chest, chin, and biceps. As doctors were patching up his wounds, they noticed something odd. They discovered he had liver disease.


Doctors luckily caught the disease at an early stage, and the husband will likely make a full recovery. However, his wife won’t be around to enjoy his presence. Despite saving his life (sort of), and the husband begging for the charges to be dropped, a judge sentenced her to 16 months in prison.

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The judge felt that he had no choice but to sentence Margaret to prison. The marriage was continuously marred by fights and threats to harm one another. The wounds Margaret caused were also pretty severe. The officers on the scene even thought the husband was dead upon arrival, we’re not surprised. The neighbor’s observance of a “blood curdling scream for 30 minutes” did not help, either.

Who knew such a vicious attack could be life saving?

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