What One Woman Discovered In Her Hotel Room Will Creep You Out For Life

Imagine checking in late to a hotel. The front desk concierge seems friendly, if a little bit sleepy. He hands you your key and you walk the empty halls and elevators to find your room. It’s quiet. Too quiet. (Why are hotel rooms so quiet?) You turn on the TV and the first thing that pops up is an ominous threat from an unknown person who was definitely once in your room.

This scenario is exactly what happened to one woman after she checked into the Whitemare Pool Travelodge hotel in Gateshead, UK.

This is the terrifying message the woman received when she turned on the hotel TV to the default Travelodge channel.


She informed the hotel staff, who removed the words and gave her a refund. Travelodge say they believe either an employee or previous guest used the manufacturer’s code to hack into the tv and display the message as a joke.


Despite being appropriately afraid, the woman said that Travelodge has been “great about it,” launching an internal investigation within the hotel, as well as the TV manufacturer. Both Travelodge and the woman agreed the police need not be involved.

Via: BBC

I didn’t even know TV’s had that function! Wouldn’t it be more efficient to write your creepy threats in lipstick on the bathroom mirror like in all the horror movies? Either way I probably wouldn’t have handled that as well as this woman did.

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