What Happened To These 6 People Is Tragic And Hopefully Never Happens To Us

Many people fear dying alone, and that only makes sense. We worry about who will be there to see us off to the next leg of our cosmic journey. Not only that, but who will actually tell anyone that you died? For people who die alone, this is a more common issue issue than you might think. Take these 6 people for example…

1.) Simon Allen.

Allen was a loner who lived by himself in the center of Brighton, East Sussex in the U.K. He died in December 2010, but his body wasn’t discovered in his apartment until November 2012. No one thought to check on Allen during all that time, not even his neighbors. They just reported a musty smell outside of his apartment.

Days before his body was found, the landlord had been to the property to investigate why Allen hadn’t paid his rent in several months. Not long after, he found out why.

2.) Geneva Chambers.

Chambers was also a bit a loner, and frequently declined (politely and impolitely) offers of company from neighbors at her home in Florida. Her body was found in her home in August 2013 by a landscaper. Police believe that Chambers might have been dead for up to three years before that.

Neighbors thought that Chambers had abandoned the house after it was foreclosed on in 2009, and the utilities were turned off in 2010. I feel bad for that poor landscaper who was just doing his job, and found a dead body instead.

3.) Hedviga Golik.

The case of Hedviga Golik is very tragic one. Golik died in her home in Croatia in 1966. According to police, she had made herself a cup of tea before sitting down to watch her black and white television when she died.

Golik’s body was found 42-years later when police broke into her apartment to try and find out who owned the place. Inside, they found an apartment that was frozen in time. Even the cup still had her tea in it. It’s amazing that no one thought to check on her during all that time.

4.) Barbara Salinas-Norman.

The mummified body of Salinas was found inside her home in Sante Fe, New Mexico, in May 2013. Authorities believe she might have been there for over a year before being found. Her body was discovered by her brother-in-law, Louis Ponce, who was trying to find her.

5.) David Carter.

Carter was a Milwaukee nuisance control officer in 2007 when he abruptly quit his job and told his friends he was moving to New Mexico. Instead, Carter actually committed suicide in his home.

His remains weren’t found until 4-years later when a real estate agent was exploring the foreclosed house, and found Carter’s “nearly skeletonized” body on the stairs.

6.) Natalie Wood.

Wood was an Australian woman who passed away in 2003, but no one knew that until 2011. The government kept paying her pension into an unused bank account, and her family never thought to call. Her remains were finally found in 2011 by her sister-in-law.

According to her sister-in-law, the two had had a fight in 2003 and never spoke again. When Wood was found in her home, the house was locked and everything was in its proper place, albeit a bit musty.

Via: Oddee

Even though these deaths aren’t gruesome, it is scary to think about dying alone. Especially if you don’t have people in your life who might discover you if you suddenly passed away. I know I’ll be calling my parents tonight, just in case.

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