This is the time of year when you go the extra mile to do something nice for others. For some people that means holding the door open for a stranger, volunteering at a soup kitchen, cooking a meal for some friends, or searching for an extra special gift.
But, that gift doesn’t always have to be a brand new, fresh-off-the-shelves, item. This person found a Barbie jeep and decided to turn it into the perfect gift for a friend’s son. Because, what kid doesn’t want an awesome jeep?
The pink and purple color palette and Barbie stickers would have to go.
To start, they disassembled the jeep – which seems like it was quite a process in itself.
Then, the parts needed a new color scheme (red and black) to make the jeep look brand new and boy-friendly.
After the fresh coat of paint dried, it was time to put the jeep back together.
This must have been nerve-racking, trying to avoid mistakes seeing as a child would be driving this thing around.
But in the end, the jeep came out perfectly.
Here’s the finished product.
It looks just like the real thing!
(via Reddit)
I can imagine this kid will be really happy when they get this awesome jeep for Christmas. Can some kind person out there make me a jeep? But like, a real one?