What makes a good selfie? Well, for one, it’s an actual selfie–not just some picture of yourself that someone else took. That’s right, if you’re not holding the camera and aren’t taking a picture of yourSELF, it isn’t a selfie.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, what makes a selfie good? A good selfie is so many things. Some feature celebrites, some have animals, and some are lucky enough to have celebrity animals (shout out to Grumpy Cat). Beyond that, they all have one thing in common and that’s an indescribable quality that makes them impossible to forget. If you want to know what a good selfie is, just take a look at the ones below. If you don’t think they’re good, it’s probably because you think they’re great.
1.) Lance Coury Doing a Jump on His Motorcycle
2.) Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert
3.) Eminem and Mona Lisa
4.) Alexander Remnev on Top of Dubai’s Princess Tower
5.) U.S. President Barack Obama and Denmark’s Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt
6.) Meryl Streep and Hillary Clinton
7.) Luckiest Baseball Fan
8.) Man and Giraffe
9.) Black Macaque
10.) Man and a Squirrel
11.) Fan Running onto a Baseball Field
12.) Hunter S. Thompson
13.) Man and Kangaroo
14.) Beyoncé with a Pixie Cut
15.) Ethel, Jackie, and John F Kennedy
16.) Ellen’s Oscar Selfie
17.) George Harrison and the Taj Mahal
18.) On Top of Mount Everest
19.) Bill Nye
20.) Grumpy Cat and Peter Dinklage
21.) Malik and a Teacher Going into Labor
22.) Young Jeremy Lin
23.) Excited Dog
24.) Outside of a Helicopter
25.) Vanilla Ice and Juggalos
I don’t know about you, but I sure feel like I need to take my selfie game up a notch. Quick–where’s the nearest wild animal that somehow knows to look directly at the camera?