I’m pretty sure if we all look through old photos of ourselves, we can probably pick out at least one period of truly questionable hair choices. Depending on your age, you might have rocked the beehive, the shag, the crimp, or that terrible eggplant color everyone seemed to like in the late 90s (just me?). And that goes for guys and gals. Yeah, dudes, we’ve seen your mullet.
The Beehive
In an act of staggering bravery, two men decided to recreate these iconically bad hairdos. Photographer Terry Brown and photographer and (in this case) model Gordon Stettinius put together a collection of truly terrible hair decisions in a book called Mangini Studio. They include everything you can think of, including male, female, and unisex styles, and required serious dedication on Stettinius’ part; he cut, dyed, permed, shaved, and dreadlocked his hair into one terrifying construction after another. The entire book took eight years to complete.
The Bob, complete with awkwardly placed hair clips.
The Bleach Job
The “Country Western” (although we think it’s a little Bob Ross)
The White-Dude Dreads
The White-Dude Cornrows
The “Governor”
The long, straightened and totally-not-dyed look favored by aging rock stars.
I don’t know what you call this, either. Those eyelashes, though.
No matter the style, visible roots are a big no-no, people. No, you can’t pass it off as the ombre look.
The Tight Perm
The Loose Perm
The Bad Magician
There are 51 pictures in the complete book, and besides the hair, Stettinius also goes to town with costumes and poses, creating characters to go with each hairstyle. And not only did he have to put up with the terrible hair, so did his family. He profusely thanks his wife for “her forbearance throughout the various looks that I brought home with me at the end of each day.” But his wife seems game, or at least completely supportive. “I believe she knew what she was signing up for as we first met on a night when I was sporting a comb-over, a crucifix, and two spray tans.”