This Is What People Searched For The Most On Google In 2014

Looking at Google search trends is sort of like reading the mind of the world. You get a bird’s-eye view of what everyone really cares about. Google annually releases the top search trends they saw over the course of the year, usually to much amusement.

2014 was an interesting year of ups and downs, which is why this year’s search trends are all over the map. So, what were people looking for?

Top Global Search Trends In 2014.

1.) Robin Williams

2.) World Cup

3.) Ebola

4.) Malaysia Airlines

5.) ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

6.) Flappy Bird

7.) Conchita Wurst

8.) ISIS

9.) Frozen

10.) Sochi Olympics

Top Searches For People In 2014.

1.) Jennifer Lawrence

2.) Kim Kardashian

3.) Julie Gayet

4.) Tracy Morgan

5.) Renee Zellweger

6.) Jared Leto

7.) Lorde

8.) Matthew McConaughey

9.) Amal Almuddin

10.) Donald Sterling

Top Global News Searches In 2014.

1.) Ebola

2.) ISIS

3.) Malaysia Airlines

4.) Crimea/Ukraine

5.) Ferguson

6.) Gaza And Israel

7.) Scottish Referendum

8.) Oscar Pistorius Trial

Via: Google

What a year it’s been! I’m pretty certain I contributed quite a bit to these searches. For a more detailed look at 2014’s search trends, make sure to check out Google’s year in review section here.

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