This Horse’s Big, Silly Mistake Cost Her Owners £20,000 In Vet Bills

Ever wondered where the terms “horseplay” or “horsing around” came from? Well, we have a feeling it might have started with this silly horse.

Foxy, a 12-year-old retired show horse, got stuck in a well for hours before someone heard her cries and called the police near Hinckley, Leicestershire. Foxy’s silly blunder cost her owners £20,000, as well as an eight month recovery from injuries sustained during the rescue.

It’s hard to understand how Foxy even got herself into this predicament – but it was even harder for the firemen to figure out how to get her out of it.

Warwickshire Fire & Rescue’s Animal Rescue helped strap a harness around the front of the horse, as only her head and shoulders were above the water.

Amy Badge, the horse’s owner, was in the middle of exams at Bath University when the incident occurred, so her father didn’t want to give her the news until all of her scholarly duties had been fulfilled.

Since this was such an impromptu operation, a police marksman was called to the scene, just in case things went south. Thankfully, he wasn’t needed. Foxy did however sustain an injury to her back knee, which contracted an infection from the stagnant water that seeped into it.

Despite the large expense and long recovery process – eight months at Rossdales Equine Hospital – the whole family believes that it was worth it to bring Foxy back to health.

“She’s still a bit wary around crowds of people but apart from that she’s almost fully recovered,” says Badge, who’s happy to see her former partner in competition back on all four legs.

We’re glad you’re okay too, but no more expensive blunders, Foxy!

(via Mirror)

Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but this was one expensive mistake. Badge had to use up all of her savings to make sure her horse made a full recovery. So much for a car! I suppose she could always just commute on horseback…

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