This Guy Wants New Yorkers To Share The Love. And It Works.

Do you remember a time when you may have been sent a love letter? Or even last time you received a handwritten piece of mail from a real person? Probably not. Thanks to email and texting, the amount of genuine person to person mail correspondence has pretty much gone the way of the dinosaur. But Matt Adams over at “Someone You Love” is on a mission to bring it back to life. According to his website, the project aims to “bring New Yorkers together by engaging them in positive activities in the unexpected places.” For the second installment of his three-part series, he asked New Yorkers how long it had been since they wrote someone a letter, then challenged them to change that. Take a look and the heartwarming result.


“At one point throughout the day, it got so crowded that there weren’t enough places to sit and people were waiting to take part in our activity. “

You can check out more random acts of love on Matt’s website…after you write a letter to your mother. And be sure to share the love with friends using the link below!

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