This Deliciously Colorful Dress Was Created Using 3,000 Skittles. And Patience.

Post-Halloween candy hangovers are rough. If you’re looking for a creative way to curb the cavities without wasting the fruits of your kids’ trick-or-treating, you might find inspiration from Sarah Bryan. This British beautician took her love of candy to new heights used around 3,000 Skittles to create a sweet looking ensemble.

It took over 145 bags of the candy to complete the dress.

Ben Lack

She spent 180 hours and used 90 tubes of glue to attach each individual candy.

Ben Lack

Bryan (left) entered the design into the Guinness World Records and local beauty competitions.

Ben Lack

She even provided a pair of matching shoes!

Ben Lack

She plans to auction off the dress and donate proceeds to lymphoma research in honor of her foster mother.

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(via Elite Daily.)

Bryan hopes to catch the eye of infamously odd star Lady Gaga. “I think she’d love it!” she explains. It certainly wouldn’t be the weirdest thing the singer has worn!

Now I’m wondering if I could do the same with my leftover Peanut Chews…

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