This Couple Teamed Up And Created a Truly Amazing Custom Car. With Sharpie.

When this member of the US Military bought his new car, he unfortunately realized he had made a mistake. He loved the 1995 Nissan Skyline GTR, but he was less than pleased with its silver color. Instead of taking it to a shop for a simple paint job, he let his artist wife take over.

He worked on tuning up the car’s insides, and she worked on the outside. Her medium was unconventional–a Sharpie–but she used it to create a series of intricate, swirling designs over the car’s surface. It started out as a simple doodle over some scratches on the front fender. The owner was planning on getting a professional repaint at the time, so figured there was no problem in letting his wife make a quick drawing. As he describes on a forum for Nissan Infiniti owners, he was working on the car’s insides at the time. Some 15 hours later, the front bumper was covered in the fluid, organic designs and he realized he had to rethink his paint plan. “15 hours went into the front bumper all of a sudden and we felt an indebtedness to it,” he explains.

The rear spoiler reads “Skyline” in Japanese. The owner and his wife live in Japan.

The car’s panels were removed, so they could be decorated in the comfort of the living room.

Now with over 100 hours of decorative work (and plenty more of tune-up and customization work on other areas of the car), it’s complete, and the Sharpie designs are here to stay. They were sealed with a clear protective coat, and, because of the laborious nature and the originality, the designs were even insured.

The finished product, with over 100 hours of work on the designs alone.

It seems like they make a fantastic team! Maybe this is the start of a new trend in car design? Just make sure you have a plan before you take a Sharpie to any of your vehicles!

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