This Amazing Woman Carries Her Grandmother On Her Back To Work With Her.

Taking care of our elders can be a difficult task. After spending their lives taking care of us, we all want what’s best for them. However, we often get too wrapped up in our own lives to remember our gratitude. This woman in China hasn’t let her own life distract her from showing her grandmother just how much she loves her.

When Huang Lihua was a child and her parents had to find work, they sent her to stay with her grandmother in the countryside. Now 24 and a successful restaurant owner, Lihua is dedicated to repaying the 88 year old woman.

On days when her grandmother isn’t feeling up to walking the near-mile long trek, Lihua carries her the distance.

Central European News

She tells the Daily Mail, “My grandmother was very kind taking me with her everywhere. She never left me locked up in the house, if she was going to the market or visiting friends or working in the fields, she took me along.”

Central European News

“The time there with my grandmother was one of the happiest of my life.”

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Lihua’s family was concerned her grandmother wouldn’t adopt well to the city after so long in the country.

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But as Lihua explains, “There is always something going on and plenty of people to talk to, and now she is happy in the city.”

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“She sits outside the front and watches life go by and I can see that she is content.”

Central European News

And her grandmother agrees saying, “I wouldn’t miss my visits there for anything.”

Central European News

(H/T: Elite Daily.)

I’m not saying we should all start carrying our grandparents around with us, but maybe we can at least listen to their stories more. (Even if it is the 100th time you’ve heard it.) Remember, you’ll be in their shoes some day too!

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